Monday, March 21, 2011

Update from RCH

I'm so glad I'm able to keep updates while I'm here. I would have killed for an iPad whilst I was in hospital and Ronald McDonald House. I could have kept a journal of all that went on, I kno I've fit some details scratched into a notebook somewhere but a blog would have been awesome. I just hope ive done justice to the last week as far as recording.

I've kept positive the entire time I've been here. I've been stressed and worried at times of course. But I've managed to keep my attitude buoyant. This has had a twofold affect. I keep my own spirits high, and Billy-Joe benefits from that. No point me being miserable and a sad sack, that won't help him at all. I fear that it's hardest on Peter in many ways. He's continuing on at home with work, the house and the kids. Bless his heart but he's not used to working and doing everything at home. I've had bouts of doing that and it's hard. In many ways I found it much harder when we didn't know what was going on. I know Billy-Joe is in good hands and that this is the best place he can possibly be.

I've just been downstairs. A lovely angel just arrived to wash my unmentionables and my clothes I've been living in. I thought we were going home today and I've been wearing the most comfortable stuff. Thank God Sheree was Ble to drop everything to pick up our waging. Suzy (My Personal Shopping Angel) bought some singlet tops and a nice pair of yoga pants which are co comfy and I'll get heaps of wear out of at home. They need a wash now. Barbi was here yesterday and has quenched my Pepsi Max addiction. Dear Bunny ga e me some money so that my credit card gets a rest.

It's after two thirty and I'm ready for a rest. It's busy here and the relaxed moments are treasured. Billy-Joe has another fever so is feeling a bit flat now. I hope he bas a kip.

I spent last night researching doing my nursing degree some more. I could do it part time. It would take me six years. By that time the kids are out of school. Definitely something to think about. I could still be eligible for HECS/HELP as you're entitled to 7 years full time and I've only used 3.

Only God knows what the future holds.


Chris H said...

I'm happy things are continuing to go smoothly... hopefully you two will be home soon and Billy-Joe is out of the woods.
Nursing is a fantastic idea mate... I'm sure you would love it.

Alaine said...

I'm glad things are getting better but sorry you can't go home yet. It will be time for a well earned rest when you do.

Nursing? WOW, what a wonderful career, so many possibilities!


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