I love being home and being productive - and not having to look at the clock once all day long - well maybe now, because it's getting close to when I am going to start cooking dinner. But, a sleep in, no rushing to school, no watching the clock to do the pick up - heavenly.
In the morning, I cleaned my oven, not just the top, but the actual oven. I took the glass panels out and cleaned them, plus the filter from inside. I removed the bottom plate, and cleaned it too. Because the oven is self cleaning, there was ash on the bottom which needed wiping up. I cleaned the racks, but they didn't come up 100% but are okay. I cleaned all the elements, I hate it when they get little discolourations around them. I put on a load of washing and hung it out. I was pretty hot and sweaty, but decided to just get into my jogging stuff and headed down to my treadmill. Not before I'd roused on Mickey though - who spent time in time out.
After my jog and weights I came upstairs, had a shower and then took Mickey down to Erbachers, a local fruit store which has much nicer stuff than the supermarket, but I often don't get down there because of the time factor. I called into Woolies on the way home and bought some fresh ham, and then made us yummy ham and salad wraps for lunch.
I cleaned out the Tupperware cupboard, and matched up all my containers with their respective lids. Wonder how long it will stay like that - I just need to be more careful. Looks wonderful now. I sorted out the other drawers too, and was disappointed that I couldn't ditch more stuff.
I finally have sorted the last of the kids' stuff that they have brought home from school - much of it filed in the wheelie bin.
I have also spent the last part of the afternoon finishing editing all my pictures for the 2007 Christmas Album, so I can have it on display for this Christmas. I will make sure it doesn't take me this long for next year's.
Tomorrow I will finish my 2008 album at Suzy's class, and then I'll come home and do my Christmas cards. I have an idea for making some more, so I may make some , even though I don't think I need them for this year. Ah well, they can always make a nice gift. I also want to make my gift cards for this year too, so must decide how I am going to do those.

Well, you'll have to believe me, it looks much better than before, I should have taken a 'Before' shot too.....