I love this day. It's one of my favourite days of the year. It celebrates all that being a mother is about, and it's a wonderful way of stepping back and taking stock of all that's good in one's life.
We started the morning, latish, 8.30am, even though that's earlier than I normally would get up on a Sunday, but we had loads to do, so we could have got up earlier. No time to have breakfast. Now that brings me to breakfast in bed! Am I the only one who doesn't get it? I could think of nothing worse than sitting, half slumped in my bed trying to juggle my breakfast.......... Firstly I would be on my own, (having kids jumping around would really make it enjoyable!!!!) and then I would be eating in a non eating place. I don't get it! I never have, and fortunately my dh and I are totally in agreeance, and he doesn't get it either lol....... Anyway back to my story, no time for breakfast, but I put the percolator on so had a good cup of coffee before we went out. Peter's Mum had cakes for morning tea, (another reason why I didn't have breakfast) and a yummy pot of tea. Was a lovely morning catching up with family and then we headed back home to await our guests - Mum and Dad. Mum had the idea that as it was Mothers Day and her and Dad's anniversary that there was no cooking, so she ordered chickens from woolies. I bought those bake at home rolls and we had beer batter chips, and Mum made her delicious coleslaw. We had nibblies and champagne beforehand too. I made a cheesecake, (recipe will go on blog when I upload photo), which was yummy, accompanied by some good coffee........
Probably the best part though, was how excited my kids got. They bought me goodies from the school Mothers' Day stall, and little Mickey could barely contain his secret, to the point that he'd already told me I would like them, and that I could eat them, and then as I was unwrapping them, that they were chocolates........too funny and so cute. Sammy and Mickey both did lovely cards at school, treasurs that only a mother will cherish forever. Billy-Joe wanted to take pocket money to the stall. I was reluctant to have him spend more than $3-4, but he insisted it was $12 and it was just perfect for me. He told me as I was unwrapping it, that he saw the gift when he took his buddy to the stall the day before and asked if he could reserve it! How cool is that? I unwrapped this rather large present which looked like a generous serving of fish and chips and there was a lovely hand towel and washer set, with talcum powder and hand cream. I will use all of them.........my little boy is growing up and is already learning the art of buying the perfect gift. I was so touched by the gesture, and the lengths that he went to to secure this gift for me....... I am so very, very lucky! My darling man bought me an electric toothbrush. It wasn't a secret, I asked for it, and he also bought extra brushes so we can all enjoy this new toy. I'd used my brother's when we went to Gin Gin last, and I was hooked......
No better way to spend a special day.....
A lovely day.............just perfect!