Here I am, it's day 4 and I am feeling absolutely wonderfully and fantastically positive about this whole WW experience. I have some challenges ahead of me this weekend. My brother's birthday, and we are all at my Mum and Dad's place, for the first time in many a very special night. I have heaps of points saved. It's now 2pm, and I may eat some fruit or something, but I have 21 points saved up for tonight, so feel very much in control. Today I tried the WW Beef Burgundy frozen meal for lunch. I wanted something that was 'nice' but low in points. For two points this meal is fantastic value. Tomorrow night dh and I will probably cook something yummy, but if we use prawns and heaps of vegies, it's never alot of points anyway..........
I just went and had my eyes tested today, and, have ordered new glasses. They are red again..........thought that could be my trademark.. especially as I don't currently have red shoes.
Looking forward to a long weekend..........