Sunday, December 07, 2008

Busy but relaxed

School's out! Thank goodness. The entire house has breathed a collective sigh of relief as of yesterday lunch time. I've still been really busy, but I'm doing things I want to get done, not because I have to do it. I have cleared the top of the linen cupboard, my wardrobe and have finally gotten rid of clothes I've been kidding myself that I would fit back into. Actually it's gotten to the point that even if I did fit back into them, I wouldn't want to wear them anymore. I feel good that it's gone. It's not nice when the wardrobe is jam packed full of crap. I also got rid of the last of my unwanted scrapbooking stuff too. I really need to go through my teaching resources too. Tomorrow, I intend to go through the kids' toys - to make way for the new things. I gave away some of their trucks earlier in the year, the one's they don't tend to play with anymore, and the cheaper crappier ones went into the bin. DB and Billy-Joe went to watch the PGA and got home before the crowds headed home. It must have inspired them, because they are now off to play themselves.

It's holiday time........and I am very pleased about that. Now I can concentrate on getting my house in order, baking, playing with the kids, and enjoying my home and family. Next week we are going one evening to see the Christmas lights and on Wednesday night, we are going to the cinema to see a preview of Madagascar 2. The kids are so excited because the younger two never been to the cinema at night before.

Sammy, Mickey and Mickey's mate Kye on the last day after the mass.

Sammy holding the Christmas Star

Billy-Joe's turn to place the star atop the tree this year. I played with some brushes from 2peas after seeing some gorgeous images from my gf Suzy.

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