Sunday, February 10, 2008

Am finding peace.......

One of the wonderful things of this life, is that one can always improve oneself. I try so hard all the time, to try and be a better wife, better mother, better friend, even a better stranger. I do want to make a difference. I want to be gracious and kind....... I am caring and loving and fiercely loyal to those close to me, but I want to be better. I also want to lose or decrease the amount of stress in my life. These are my main foci, for this lifetime.

For my birthday Barbi gave me a beautiful book called "Peace for the Woman's Soul', it's a Christian based book, based in bible readings, but what I love about it are the inspirational insights written by 'normal' Godfearing people...... I get lost in the Bible, I can't make sense of all the way they write, and this book is easy to read, and very very soothing....... So, combined with that, and the wonderful power of prayer, I think I am starting to make inroads, and am becoming the person I knew I could always be.

As a foundation, I need to rely on what I have. I have a small family and a small circle of friends, all whom I love deeply. They have all brought something special into my life and enrich it daily. Who am I without them? So why don't I try to make myself better for them?

School's gone back, mayhem (or the level of mayhem that I allow) is back. But I am going about my daily chores/responsiblities with a grace and a quiet love which has been awesome for me, for my kids and last but not least for my blood pressure.

I love my family and I love for them to have things 'just right', and while I am not one of those mothers for whom the children (and husbands) thinks is a door mat, I am happy to make my family's life rich and full of all the 'motherly and wifely' influences that I can give them. Let's face it, that's what they will remember when they are all grown up. I want them to remember a Mum who loved them deeply, taught them, cooked for them, laughed with them, helped them, talked to them, protected them, nutured them..........that's what I want them to remember.

I am, and always will be a works in progress in more ways than one.

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