Sunday, March 25, 2007

Good night

It's late, midnight in fact - and I am heading off to bed after a marathon weekend of scrapbooking. I went last night, and was home at midnight, so, earlier than normal and then ran around this morning like a hairy, old goat doing my housework and washing while dh took the kidlets to the football. By the time he came home I was organized and almost ready to head out again. I am taking part in a survey which looks at the road system on the coast. As I am often complaining about the constant influx of interstaters and yet the total lack of infrastructure to cope with this - I felt obligated to take part when I was asked. I have to map everything thing I did yesterday, plus my kids and my dh. I had 12 stops yesterday!!! It couldn't have been on a day where I stayed home all I had alot of things to do, and I had to write about every stop, the whys and I did part of that this morning before I left. I have spent the day with my best friends, laughing, eating, laughing and scrapbooking and having a fabulous time. I actually did some layouts too, I will upload the finished one tomorrow. I am home now............hoping for a better night's rest than I had last night.... I just wanted to wind down before I headed off to bed.

I took a photo today of Sammy with his missing teeth.........oh he looks so cute, and more mischievous than normal. I will upload that tomorrow too. In the store, Barbi had these little gauze bags for the tooth fairy to collect the teeth from........(bit more flashy than a tissue) - Sammy will find that under his pillow in the morning and believe that the tooth fairy left it for him. I am so lucky that the kids believe in these wonderful things. Billy-Joe will be 11 and his faith in the tooth fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa is still very strong..... I am bracing myself for that to change. He has already asked about it, but is not prepared to let go of that magic yet, and I am grateful for that. I think the biggest gift I can give my children, is their childhood and all the mysteries and magic that comes with it...........

Good night..........God Bless!

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