Monday, June 16, 2008

Update time

Another weekend has gone by the wayside. A long weekend in fact, as it was Show Day on Friday. I can’t get over how fast it has gone though. I was pretty busy the entire time, and that always makes time fly.

On the Friday a friend whom we’d met in Springbrook came to visit. It was an interesting visit. He and I were quite good mates when I lived there on my own. He lived a couple of doors down the same road I did - and we used to eat dinner together, either at the pub, or at his house. It’s interesting how someone you meet can have a lasting impact on your life, and yet when you see them again, the connection isn’t so strong anymore. Many many things have changed in the intervening years....Dh is convinced that if we spent some time together over good wine and food, that maybe things would be like they once were. I don’t think so.

Anyway, he is still a valued friend, someone who was once important in our lives. Through him I learnt to appreciate good quality red wine. I also learnt to cook Beef Vindaloo, which today, I still cook as he did. He also had a really good chef’s knife which I loved to use, and now I have a block of those knives myself. It was nice seeing him, and meeting his lady friend. Even though at times I felt pushed for conversation. I wonder if he felt the same.

Saturday I spent shopping with my Mum. It was a leisurely afternoon, I reckon we spent about 3 hours just sitting, drinking coffee or eating lunch. Just laughing, reminiscing, counting our blessings and talking of the future too. Just girl time, friend time - precious time.

I did my birthday shopping. I got Mickey a Wahu cricket set for his birthday and Billy-Joe a small ipod shuffle, which he will just love. Mum bought me a top which I had tried on months ago, and it was full price then. Mum paid a quarter of the initial price, plus I was able to buy it in a smaller size, which was pretty cool indeed! I also bought a pair of cords, which were only $20 - they are great for work on cool days, as they are soft, warm and comfy to wear.

When I got home I made a marinade for my lamb chops (the hideously expensive ones), and it was delicious - I took photos, so need to update my sadly neglected recipe blog when I get a chance.

Yesterday I finished my Photoshop Elements class. The next one starts in July, but I am not sure yet whether or not I want to do it. I definitely have learnt stuff - the program is amazing and the changes are great. (From PSE5 (Windows Version) )

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