Thursday, August 03, 2006

Kite Flying

Kite flying
Originally uploaded by Jazzmin2912.
As long as I can remember I wanted to own something that I could fly. Not something like an aeroplane - not something I had to sit in, but something I could make fly, with me firmly planted on terra firma! When I was little my Dad built my brother and I this glider. It was beautiful. It was red, and painstainkingly built and painted, it looked glorious.............and couldn't fly for shit!!!! I remember we tried to fly it, in between picking poisonous mushrooms for Mum to cook us later!! Oh but that's another story lol.........

The glider would soar - for a few seconds and then hit the ground with a terrible sounding crunch! Each time we picked that glider up, there was another piece missing.......... My brother and I were devastated............

So the saga continues. I now have children of my own. We have had a couple of kites, just freebies given to us as a promotional item, but we were excited nevertheless. So we would endeavour to fly the sucker...........we would run, and run and run.......and still the wretched thing wouldn't fly. We would bring it home, and send it soaring off the verandah on our second storey, only to have the poor thing sink immediately to the ground.............what is it??? What's the go with me and things that are supposed to just fly?

So, one night with wine in hand...........( I always love to internet shop when I have had a wine or two!!!). I decided to buy a kite. The first website I found I placed an order. I bought a simple diamond shaped kite, it cost $30 with postage...........

Last weekend we took it out to fly! The awesome kite flew on two feet of string................the kids could simply hold it, and then it just hovered. It just didn't know how to come down to the ground without being pulled down......

I must let my brother know - that some kites do fly!! Actually
I think I will need to fly it with my brother and my Dad...........that would be so cool!

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