Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Does it get any better?
I wonder what it's like to have a million, squillion dollars! I wonder what it's like never having to worry about money, kids, health, parents, friends..................................and so on.............

I know I am blessed with a wonderful life.... Every night I say my prayers and am humbly grateful for the life I have been dished out. NO, I don't have a million, squillion dollars, and yes I worry about things, but when you stop worrying about the small things, you realize what big things I have indeed got.

I have a humble home, the size of a tissue box..........and I love every square cm of it. My kids are healthy, smart, gorgeous and have the world at their feet. My parents and in laws are alive, and very much a part of my life. My extended family, (read brother) is finally an integral part of my life again. My career has begun another slow ascent, of which I am very proud about. My health is great, I carry a little too much weight. ( I can't have everything hey???) I have fabulous friends, I have a great hobby, I have the best husband in the whole wide world..........

Good thing about you blog...........you are always there to remind me just how good I have things!

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