Thursday, February 16, 2012

Not enough hours in the day

I'm sure many of you feel this way. I've been so incredibly busy in the last few weeks, well the last several weeks actually. I had a break from the general routine, so I'm hoping that's enough to constitute a rest.

In the last few weeks, I've caught up with friends, whom I've not seen in a few months, and others I'm planning on seeing this weekend. The weekend is a retreat at Daisy's which means I'll catch up with some of my closest friends, whom I've not spent much time with of late. I"m hoping to create, but mainly to reconnect. I always feel invigorated after these weekends and I'm sure this one will be no different.

I've had lots of appointments too. One of which was to an exercise physiologist. I'd had an appointment before Christmas but with the funeral and no head space for exercise, I cancelled it, never considering the guy would ring me back and reschedule....!! I'm glad he did though. I know own an exercise bike, which I actually enjoy using. I don't go on it everyday, like he recommends, but I certainly try my hardest, as I know how important it is, especially as I've put weight on again. It's my 50th birthday at the end of the year, and while I won't be as fat as I was at 40, I'd rather be slimmer and healthier. Unlike the treadmill, the bike doesn't put any strain on my calves or achilles, so I can work out quite hard and not cause any pain. Amazingly I can ride for quite a while, (I generally go to about 50 mins) and I'm not out of breathe. I never could regulate my breathing while I was jogging. Thank goodness for iView, so I catch up on Haven and Torchwood episodes, and whatever else I can find, that can make the time go faster. I don't take much time to watch TV so this is great time management.

My other appointments have been my  regular blood tests and GP appointments. The jury is still out whether or not the injection is helping me. Quite frankly I've been in a lot of pain, but it's settled in the last few days. I'm due to inject again today, so I'm hoping it continues to improve, otherwise I will stop the drug.

Uni starts back on Monday. It's a full on semester, focussing on no fluff subjects whatsoever. This semester will be the main and most important one as far as content goes. I'm excited and also daunted when reading over the course outlines.

I've been busy working on stuff for Tanzania. I'm very excited that I have a website for our group. It's only a basic site made in iWeb, but I'm rapt that I did it. In the end it was much easier than I thought it would be, but iWeb is so easy to use.

Tomorrow, I'm having a pedicure with my Mum. My niece and brother and wife, bought us both gift vouchers, so we're going to use them tomorrow. It will be something nice to do together. Mum is doing amazingly on her own. I'm so proud of her and the strength that she is showing.

More later, kidlets to pick up.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Praying you can manage your pain and it is soon under control Jenny love! How did the retreat go? It's been AGES since I went to one...


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