Once again time goes by and my poor blog is neglected. I've had time, just not the inclination. I write them in my mind, but never post them. I could even do them on my phone, just jot down notes and then elaborate when I'm near my MacBook, but I don't.
The school holidays went by quickly, and were so relaxing. The first week was an odd one for me. I lacked motivation to do much and actually missed my kids while they were at golf clinic. The dust storm really played havoc with my eyes so I'm glad that week is over. In the second week, we just chilled out at home for much of it. We watched some movies together, and went to the pool a couple of times. Peter's niece Ashlea helped the kids with some swimming pointers, as I especially want Mickey to feel more confident swimming in the pool at the holiday house in Rainbow. I can teach swimming, but somehow I knew the kids would take instruction more kindly from Ash than from me. It was good, because I took them out again the next day to continue the lessons. I don't think my kids quite reconcile "Mum, with teacher".....
The card making retreat was last weekend. It was an away one staying at the Mapleton Holiday Centre, ooops a feeling of de ja vu, I know I've already blogged this stuff lol.... My mind is a sieve!!
On Wednesday I went to Maroochydore and picked up my cousin. She's from Germany and has been in Australia for 18 months and we've only just met. I was so excited and nervous. I have never spent any time with any of my cousins. I met one once in 1984 when I went to Europe, but it was a family dinner, where we only spoke a few polite words. In all my life, I've never even said the word 'cousin' in relation to myself. I took her up to Montville for the morning. It was nice we browsed through a few shops, had a coffee and a light lunch and then came home. It was lovely to speak German to her too. I was surprised at how much I still know, and it was lovely to be understood. I know that if I spoke it frequently, it would improve very quickly. It still feels quite familiar on my tongue. Sara was a lovely houseguest, considerate of us all, and helpful too. The kids just fell in love with her, and as she's a Nanny and au pair, she related to them very well. We had an easy evening watching TV and then a fairly early night as we had to get up early so she was at the bus station at 4am!!! I'm so glad she came to visit, and even happier that we made it happen. It's not easy meeting someone and then having to feel close immediately just because you are related, but we got along well. For her sad upbringing, she's got a good head on her shoulders and has learned some hard lessons in life through her Mother who tragically committed suicide fifteen years ago. I never met my Aunty, and knew next to nothing about her. She was 8 years younger than my Mum, and when they moved to Australia, Toni was the annoying little sister that shadowed my Mum. When my parents married, Toni went back to Germany with her parents. Sara said she always spoke of Australia and would have loved to come back. It's a shame that she never got her life in order, her drinking undercontrol and her manic episodes managed enough that she could have made something of her life.......very very sad. Sara has a close bond to her other sisters, who when I think about it one of whom is also a cousin, the other not......ah, so confusing, my family is so small but not simple. I had a good day of feeling connected with family, an insight into how other people feel when they are surrounded by a large family....... I have two parents and my brother and my closest relatives are my Aunt and Uncle in Geelong, who aren't even my aunt and uncle.....technically speaking. My Uncle is my Dad's cousin, so actually my second cousin.... Very nice to spend time with a cousin. I wish she lived closer. She left on Thursday morning to spend five days in Cairns and then she flies out to Germany to return to her sister who's very very ill and will die from Endometriosis!! The sadness in Sara's life is not ending yet.
We arrived in our rented holiday house in Rainbow Beach yesterday. It's an awesome house, and the best part I can access my wireless internet....I'm very very happy about that. I thought it might be a little too remote for wireless. There's nothing around here, we're miles from Gympie....... The house is spacious, newly renovated inside, (the outside is tired, but the pool is nice). There's a living room AND a family room and the bedrooms are spacious and there's an ensuite. This so much nicer than the unit in Caloundra. The kids can have one area and we another. The beds are so comfy, with eggshell mattresses, I had a lovely night's sleep. (Thank you Alaine)
We went exploring this morning. It's a bit blowy and Peter wanted to find a fishing spot that was sheltered, we had a late lunch and now the boys have headed out. I was going to lie by the pool, but it's a bit cool, so I'm updating my blog instead. My bed beckons and my Diana Gabaldon book is too....
A few photos.

A girl needs to Facebook, even in the bush!!

At Rainbow this Morning. (ISO set wrong, blown out but still a nice pic)

Sara and I

One of the cards I made on the card making weekend, and the reason my ISO was set wrong on the little camera. Love this card.
LOL so glad you slept and that you are having a nice time.
Beautiful card!
Photos are lovely Jenny, that card is gorgeous, we will have to make some more of those!
Dying of Endometriosis, I am intrigued about that one, poor girl.
Hope you are nice and relaxed and having a wonderful holiday.
Lovely photos... look at you on the computer out in the bush!
I didn't know you could die from Endometriosis?
How sad for Sara.
Hi Jenny. Thanks for your comment on 'Ranting' just now. It hits the spot.
And yes, I do understand what you are saying in relation to Stew.
He is always the 'good and indulgent' parent around here.. the loved one. I am the boss... so not so loved.
That hurts.
I am going to talk to him AGAIN about this.. because I don't like resenting him.
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