Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Where I am at.......

I have had a week of indulgences........... I allowed myself to go over in my points and then I don't get back on track like I plan. I really need to reassess where I am at. I know that I need to do WW to lose weight.........I also know I need to make exercise a priority in my life. Since cost is a factor, walking is really the only option..........

Below is the copy of a post I made to a thread on the WW forum. This is to a lady who posts her food diary. She eats some delicious food, and exercises heaps. and eats her bonus points too. She is quite an inspiration.......

"Gwyneth, thank you for your story and history with WW. I too am a LTM, which I reached 19 years ago in my mid 20's. Since then I have had three children (in my mid to late 30's) and have put on weight with each child. I have lost most of it, but started WW again last Easter (2004). I got down to my WW goal weight, at 68kg, and then maintained for awhile, until Christmas. This Easter I weighed in at 74kg, so have returned to WW. Although I am really struggling with it. I find that I have had alot of things on over the weekends, so I save like mad all week, and then allow my extravagances on the weekend. I find however, that I lose weight, and then it goes back on over the weekend, so obviosly my body doesn't like the extra food. I am not exercising at the moment, with young kids and a dh that comes home too late I need to really strategize my exercise time...........I need to make it a priority. I could go on the weekends and then one or two days during the week, that would be better than nothing. I enjoy the healthy way of eating, but I am finding it really hard to stay focussed.........when I lost my weight years ago, I found it really easy, and the program was much stricter than it is now.....as you know.

I am interested that you eat your bonus points, and I like the fact that you eat really well, you eat a good variety of food too. Thank you so much for publishing your diary in a public forum, it is a huge help.............."

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