Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A day

You know my days just fly by, they're so full, I'm so busy, and yet if someone asks me what have I done, I stare blankly!! Not enough room in this HD for everything, and not enough RAM either..... so I really need to write things down.

It's just after 8.30am on a Tuesday morning. The kids are at school, the littlies were there early as Sammy has an excursion and the bus was leaving early. I've hung out a load of washing, the house is tidy and I've vacuumed. Another load is almost done. I've hunted and found my pathology referral because I'm supposed to have monthly blood tests but to my relief I'm only a few days late.

I had a Copic class yesterday, and stayed back to prepare for the next two. I have another in two weeks time, which is not an introductory one but I'll actually be teaching the colouring of an image and making two cards!! I've got to colour the image and select my papers. I have to do that today. I have to type out some accounts for Bunny so he can collect some money. I've also got to ring him and organize him lol......

I'm currently having a cup of tea. I'll report back and let you know how my day has gone. I've done the accounts and have just ordered my Thermomix!!!

I've uploaded a range of products onto Daisy's site, so I'm glad I got that done. Then I headed into Daisy's and selected the papers and colours for my first full Copic class. I've come home, taken down a heap of washing and am now updating my blog before I go out and pick up my kidlets.

Afterwards, I'll prepare dinner, while I supervise homework, email my class attendees and look forward to a glass of wine at wine o'clock.

I feel good, I've had a good and productive day.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Productive days are always good Jen..
and sometimes when we get it down on paper or our blog, we realize just how much we have achieved... have fun with the copics...

Jenny x


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