Monday, December 15, 2008

A Day with Heidi

I thought that once I was on holidays, I could blog daily - but I've still got lots to do, so it will be spasmodic at best. It's not that there's nothing to write about, just sometimes the writing mo jo escape me and at other times, I just don't feel like writing heaps.

I was incredibly lucky last week.

Nearly twelve months ago, an announcement was made that Heidi Swapp was coming to Australia, to Brisbane and Melbourne and that she would hold an all day workshop. Create08 sounded like it was going to be awesome, but with a $240 price tag, was a little too hefty for me to contemplate in any level of seriousness.

Last Tuesday, during the second part of Suzy's album class, Suzy approached me and asked if I would go with her to the workshop in Barbi's stead, as it looked like Barbi wouldn't be able to get away from the shop. I was stunned!! My initial reaction was total surprise, and then with a jolt of reality I realized that Peter would probably be working and that I wouldn't be able to go. So you can imagine my delight when he said, he was really glad I'd given him an excuse not to work!! So on Saturday, Suzy, myself and about 145 other lucky ladies, spent the day with Heidi Swapp.

It was an exciting day. I woke up very excited and not only about the prospect of spending it learning new stuff, but because it was a day that Suzy and I could spend together. We had a ball. We worked out butts off too, the pace was very very fast, and the space we worked in was rather small. Barbi would have been proud of us lol......

We made a calendar, or rather we did two pages, with all the stuff to make the other ten. We also made a mirror album. I'll post some pics when I get my small camera back - probably when I've done something worthy of posting. We got loads of freebies, stamps, papers, the calendar, masks, rub ons, ink, a smudging tool. I still haven't gone through the bag properly. We were challenged, Suzy and I both, as we were doing a style which was unlike both of our styles. It was very grungy and lots of stamping and inking, but definitely something I will play with some more. Heidi Swapp is a gorgeous girl, inside and out and I feel really lucky that I got to meet her. She is a real sweetheart, and I take my hat off to her. She is a mum with five kids and I think she's amazing. She was sick on the day, apparently better than she had been, but she often had to stop to cough, and she kept her high level of professionalism throughout the entire day.

It's late, I need to head off to bed. I promise I'll update some more tomorrow or the next day.

I still have some baking to do. I still need to send my cards (plus write them lol)......

I went to the beach today which was just awesome. I actually got up early to go and it was just beautiful down there. Much nicer than when it's stinking hot.

Okay, now I'm really going to bed.

Here's some photos, they're straight out of the camera and unedited - so at least I had something to post.

Suzy and I

Me, Heidi and Suzy


Tami said...

I'm so glad you were able to go. How exciting! And to enjoy the beach too! It is so cold where I live - can I tell you how jealous I am right now!!

Chris H said...

What a neat way to spend your day! Baking... hmmmm I'm thinking of trying to bake a Christmas Cake! I've never done one before!


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