Sunday, July 20, 2008

Too Cool

I saw these on someone's car the other night and thought they were so cool. Today we took the kids to McDonalds for lunch, and we went to Bunnings to check out some things that we need to fix up our extremely tired and dilapidated bathroom.  Then we went to Mooloolabah to look for these cute stickers.

The bathroom tiles are currently falling off, and are revolting.  The shower is revolting because it's leaking and I can't keep the mould out from between the tiles (because it's leaking) and the water actually drips onto the bed downstairs.  I don't want tiles in the shower, so we are buying a laminate panel for the shower, no grooves, easy peasy to clean!!  We are going with plain white tiles (20x20) with a decorative tile intermingled. It's a 20x5cm tile and we will place it vertically. The colours in the feature tile, are grey, black, silver and blue.  I am not that fussed with all the trendy colours of brown everywhere. It does look nice but it reminds me of the seventies too much and I keep thinking that burnt orange and lime green will emerge next!!  Mind you I do like those colours ssssshhhh, we won't tell anyone.  I wanted the bathroom fresh, with a bit of colour. I haven't decided on the wall colour yet, either a white, or maybe a really really pale bluish/grey - I will keep looking. We also priced a small light, which is an exhaust fan and heater too.  I always wanted one of those, but now they come in  smaller size, it's perfect for our tiny tiny bathroom.  It will look wonderful when it's all done.  I will look forward to more photos and a bathroom I can be proud of, and one that I know will always look clean.  

1 comment:

Chris H said...

So did you find some of those cute little people stickers? If ya did.... I WANT SOME TOO!!!! I have been to Mooloolabah! Nice shops, lovely beach which I swam in.... warm.... *sigh*


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